Top three ways hylobiz is bridging the gap between ERPs and Banks to help Small and Medium Business Owners improvise their receivables and payables?

For any business, it can be overwhelming to deal with multiple ERPs and Banks. And it’s more challenging for a small business owner or the Accountants teams of medium-size enterprises to reconcile and settle all accounts with multiple systems in place. The result is – human errors, long tedious manual tasks, mental stress, and most importantly lack of real-time visibility of cash flow.

Could there be a system that integrates all ERPs and Banks transactions offering real-time visibility to my business cash flow? The answer is YES!- Hylobiz.

Hylobiz is your business assistant that

Empowers your decision with the right set of data

Assists in eliminating a manual task that is prone to error

Structure and organize your accounts and contacts

Offers you a real-time view of your payables and receivables

Here are the top three ways Hylobiz is helping Business Owners and Accountants to improve their receivables and payables –

Manage Multiple Businesses

Doug has been a business owner for the last 5 years, he has excelled in his dealership model and with support from family, he ventured into FMCG and the apparel category as well.

Starting was easy with limited suppliers and customers, but as the demand started kicking off, he was finding it hard to manage inventory, chase payments, manage ERPs and Banks, and send purchase orders and reminders. The accountant of the firm was finding it hard to reconcile and settle all accounts for the day.

Any business owner whether running single or multiple businesses can relate to the above situation.

When you run a business “ you need to empower your business with the right tools so that you can focus on growth and revenues”

Hylobiz offers small and medium-size businesses

  1. Integrated that allow data continuous flow, offering you real-time visibility to working capital.
  2. Single View of all payables and receivables.
  3. Multiple ERPs and Banks Connectivity for greater transparency and reduced complexity
  4. Invoice Tracking and Collection, both digitally and via cash and cheque.
  5. Automated reconciliation for the accountants and bookkeepers to make your accounts audit-ready and free from manual error
  6. Distribution Network that helps in structuring teams, channeling the right communication, real-time collaboration, and wider customer reach.

Business owners, Accountants and the Finance team using Hylobiz observed 40% efficiency on working capital. Get efficient now with Hylobiz. Click here to know more.

Business Health Score

NO matter what era it is, your business health is determined by the cash flow and liabilities your business owns. If your debts/loans or dues are more than your cash flow and asset it could surely indicate a bad business health score.

I wish I could see all my payables and receivables from all ERPs and Banks in one view said one of our very first customers. To his amazement, we had exactly the same thing to offer – A dashboard that shows the Total Receivables, Total Payables in real-time.

Real time tracking of online and Cash/Cheque Payments

One can also see the breakdown of how much Receivable, Payable was Digital, Cash, and Cheque with a total amount and a comparison with last month.

Businesses using Hylobiz saw an increase of 35% in their digital payments. Ask your buyer to pay your invoice via Hylobiz. Click here to know more

Real-time reporting

Auto reconciliation for real time cash flow

A doctor operating on a person, keeping a tab on his vitals via heartbeat monitor, may not like the delays as that would affect his health. The same is the case for your business, any delay in reconciling, reporting, and missing can badly affect your business health.

So, real-time reporting is the key, and Hylobiz can offer immense help in that –

Get real-time updates on

  • Cash or cheque for your invoice collection
  • Digital Collection
  • Invoices sent via ERPs
  • Reconcile payment received on different ERPs
  • EOD reconciliation
  • Account Settlement
  • With multiple bank connectivity, the ability for end-to-end status tracking of transactions.

 Help your sales & marketing team to build your business as a brand. Signup and expand your reach

Businesses can flourish if the owner knows “how effectively use a tool”, Hylobiz is one such tool that can empower your business.

Get in touch with us, and we can help you with the smooth adoption of digital channels. Hylobiz one-stop solution for all your accountant, sales and business needs to reconcile, integrate ERPs and banks, send invoices digitally, track cash and cheque collection and create a distribution channel.

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